Mayibuye Consulting and Projects Pty (Ltd) was registered in 2012 by young black South Africans who hold a success record in Project Management, Civil and Structural Engineering, Principal Agency, Mentorship, Supervision and Construction Management.
Mayibuye is a Nguni word which when loosely translated means, "bring back what was lost, let it return or may it come back." It's a literal call for restoration and retrieval, claiming of power, culture and most importantly equal opportunities for all. It's a call for the African child to stand up and claim his place in the economical spectrum which is laden with opportunities for him who is willing to work hard.

We use the slog to reaffirm the Government of our determination to add value in the construction and development industry in South Africa. And our mission revolves around our name.
Myibuye is a company that accommodates individuals who are willing to learn, as it is a place where we are proud to share knowledge and train staff so they excel and have necessary skills to help add value.
We envision a service that maximizes profits and minimizes down time for our clients by utilizing appropriate and effective solutions in both technology and management skills.
We strive to be the preferred service provider not only in KwaZulu-Natal but across South Africa and into the African continent.


To be the premier black engineering firm and the largest servicing both the public and private sector both effectively and efficiently.


* To partner with implementing agents, public and private sector to address the infrastructural backlog; and fast track the development needed to accommodate flocking of people to cities.

PHILOSOPHY - Discipline

* We pride ourselves on being a company made up of individuals who can obey rules.

* We take needed action against those who disobey instructions as we work in a sensitive industry, in which a little disobedience could harm all the users of that infrastructure we construct.

PHILOSOPHY - Accountability

* We are accountable and responsible people at Mayibuye.

* We take extreme care to conduct our business in a manner that upholds our image. And in any case that we err, we are always humble enough to admit and rectify.

PHILOSOPHY - Reliability

* Based on our track record you can count on us to deliver what we claim to be able to deliver.

* Our work ethic, combined with a unified vision and dedicated team ensure that we deliver on time and up to the required standard.

PHILOSOPHY - Innovation

* We are not just dedicated to consulting, and providing services. We have a vision for new property development projects which will help service key areas. And also to keep updating the technology we use in our projects to ensure that we keep up to date with developments in our industry.