Mayibuye Consulting & Projects Services

The company specialises in the following

Civil and Structural Engineering Consulting and project management


Dam dredging


Borehole drilling and equipping (Mono hand Pump and or Submersible Pump)


Construction work: Water treatment plant, Sewer Treatment Plant, Rising main, Reservoirs etc


Principal agency

Having completed numerous projects we have gained a reputation which enables us to the principal agency on various projects we conduct. This enables us the authority to practice our unique style of leadership and fast-track the completion of projects.

Facility management

As a fast growing black owned company, we envision a future in which we will be facility managers. In other words we are in the process of developing shopping Centres, complexes and duplexes amongst other property development ideas we have conceptualized. This will ensure that we have a steady stream of income and diversify investments so we can expand Mayibuye nationally and beyond South African borders.


Mayibuye Consulting and Project Pty (Ltd) is in the process to register with the Engineering Council South African and the Project Management body (SACPCPM).

Project management

All projects have goals and criteria to meet and it is our job as project managers to ensure that both this is met. We do this by initiating, planning, executing, controlling and concluding projects managed so that the team can deliver the results.

Civil and Structural engineering

While civil engineering turns its focus on design, construction and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment; structural is more technical in the sense that its focuses on understanding and calculating the stability, strength and rigidity of built structures. We are well experienced and provided these services exceptionally.

Construction management

Without this phenomenon we would have had a difficult time building our success record since the establishment of Mayibuye. Construction management plays a pivotal role in ensuring the successful completion of a project before construction commences. It takes care of the overall planning, coordination, and control of a project from beginning to completion. The objective is meeting client requirement and ensuring the project is functional and financial viable.